Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

Dermal filler injections balance and sculpt the structure of the nose

What are dermal fillers?

Dermal fillers are injected under the skin’s surface to smooth out wrinkles and replace the structures of the face affected or reduced by the ageing process. Dermal fillers contain hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance already present in your body that attracts and retains moisture in your skin.

Why choose a dermal filler for your nose ?

Your nose is a key feature of your face and often seen in profile. If you are unhappy with its shape, or its shape alters over time, this can lead to a lack of confidence. Changing the shape of your nose used to require undertaking rhinoplasty surgery. Now it is possible to subtly sculpt ‘problem’ areas of your nose using dermal filler injections – a more affordable and less invasive process that works.

Common areas of concern that we work with include repositioning the direction of the tip of the nose, altering crooked or hooked noses, addressing a flat bridge and generally streamlining its shape and balancing your profile.

Immaculate Touch also offers dermal fillers for:

  • Fuller looking lips
  • Smoothing your cheeks /mid face area
  • Nasolabial Fold rejuvenation (also called smile lines, these run from the side of the nose to the corners of the mouth)
  • Marionette (bracket line) rejuvenation  
  • Chin / jawline profile balancing
  • Tear Trough rejuvenation (the ‘hollow’ area between your eye and cheek)


£450 per session

Procedure Time

30 minutes

Recovery Time

2 weeks


Many people require only one session. However, this depends on each individual case and what treatment the desired goal involves. A more complex case will generally involve 2 sessions. We will advise you on this at your first consultation.

You may experience mild to moderate pain or a burning sensation. Rest assured, anaesthetic creams are always applied before any dermal filler treatment to minimise any discomfort.

Generally the results will last between 9-12 months, and a top-up treatment will be required to maintain the effects after 1 year. Differences in this time will vary for each individual client as lifestyle, age and genetic history will all affect the longevity of the procedure.

Dermal fillers are not suitable for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. If you are using any blood-thinning medications, please check with your doctor.

The good news is that swelling or bruising should reduce within a few days.

It is important that your glasses should not rest on your upper bridge area for 1 week. Smoking and alcohol should be avoided at least 6-12 hours before your treatment to minimise bruising. After your treatment we advise that you avoid exercise and extremes of temperature (including hot showers and saunas) for 24 hours and don’t apply makeup in the area for 24 hours. You should also avoid sun exposure (including sunbeds) for the following week.

Definitely. Men are affected by the ageing process too, and are increasingly booking dermal filler treatments to look their best and present themselves well. And why not? Plumper, healthier and younger looking skin is relevant to both men and women.

We want your treatment to be as successful as possible. Due to the nature of the procedure you must attend a consultation with our registered clinician to ensure that you are suitable for the injections. Immaculate Touch is a member of the Association of Regulated Aestheticians and we are fully licensed and insured. Rest assured, all the products we use are approved and regulated.

Dermal fillers are not a permanent procedure. The results of non-surgical rhinoplasty should last between 9-12 months, with a top-up treatment will be required to maintain the effects after 1 year.

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