microblading tattoo eyebrows

Alopecia and Microblading – Is it right for you?

Whilst there are several different types and causes of hair loss be it from stress, certain medical conditions or following chemotherapy, alopecia is the generic medical term that is widely used. It can affect both men and women and can be difficult to come to terms with; sadly alopecia can affect any area of the body where hair naturally grows, not just our heads.

Our hair is an integral part of our identity and if it starts to thin or fall out, it can put a huge dent in our self-confidence.

For men, a common type of alopecia is male pattern baldness; a perfectly natural condition that is thought to be largely influenced by genetics. For the guys, being bald can even be considered desirable … Think Sean Connery, Bruce Willis.

Whilst this type of alopecia isn’t nearly as common amongst women, us girls can still be affected by different types of alopecia.

Dealing with Alopecia

If alopecia is something you’re now having to deal with, what can you do to help restore your self-confidence and feel more like ‘you’ again? For the scalp, a wig is the obvious choice and is usually the first thing we consider if affected by the condition. Whilst alopecia can have a huge impact on how we feel about ourselves, it’s also important to be proactive and look at the positive results we can achieve to boost our self-confidence. On the upside, we can now go from blonde to brunette, short or long… and back again in seconds!

Further help and advice

If alopecia is something that’s having an effect on your life, it’s also worth visiting Alopecia UK, a registered charity that provides information and support, together with a vibrant forum where you can share your experience or ask questions.

Alopecia and your eyebrows

If you’re affected by alopecia for whatever reason, your eyebrow hair will most likely be affected as well. Inevitably, you’ll be concerned about how you look (and feel) when you’re out and about. You’ll want to do all you can to look as natural as possible and to keep your confidence levels soaring to the moon.

Microblade brows for Alopecia

Whilst pondering over the different options for your brows, you may have considered either using extensive makeup, having a hair transplant or false eyebrows … Yes, you can even buy false eyebrows! These options all have their ups and downs and may not always help you achieve your desired look. If you haven’t yet considered microblading, I’d recommend adding it to your arsenal of potential candidates.

Should I use makeup?

Out of the options above, using makeup to create your new brows is typically one of the first options you’ll consider. It gives you full control over how you’ll look in the morning and you’ll probably assume it’s the most cost-effective method too. Whilst it’s the right choice for some, constantly having to apply cosmetics is not ideal for all of us. Depending on your skin tone or lifestyle, continually monitoring your appearance in the mirror throughout the day can be both a stressful and laborious task.

If you lead a busy, active lifestyle (perhaps you work long hours or like to visit the gym for a workout or a swim), you’ll be aware that it’s unlikely that a single, time-consuming application of cosmetics at the dawn of your daily routine will last all the way ’til dusk – Sweating and smudges will be your constant daily nemesis.

Tattooing and microblading

Tattooing can be a great solution for alopecia but it isn’t right for everyone. Your alopecia may be temporary or you may not like the thought of something that is considered to be permanent. If this strikes a chord with you, microblading could well be the ideal solution. I offer both and will be happy to discuss the pros and cons of each with you.

As you can see in my gallery, microblading achieves fantastic, natural results that are semi-permanent. This means that over time, you can change the style, shape or colour to suit your look. The procedure is relatively pain-free and can be completed from start to finish in a matter of a few hours. If you’re suffering from alopecia and would like to find out how this treatment can work for you, please don’t hesitate to get in touch for a free, informal chat.

As with most of our treatments we recommend that you discuss any medical concerns with your GP before proceeding with any semi-permanent makeup procedures.

Georgie x

4 thoughts on “Alopecia and Microblading – Is it right for you?

    1. Hi PJ, Thank you for getting in touch, please speak to your GP with regards to any medical concerns. I will be happy to discuss this further if your GP is in agreement.

  1. Hi there my name is Phidelia, I’d like to know more about this procedure.
    I lost most of my brows whilst taking a blood pressure medication and I really desire to have my face back the way it used to be.

    1. Hi Phidelia, thanks for your question. I recommend that you discuss any medical issues with your GP before undertaking any semi permanent make up treatments. I have also emailed you, please check your inbox.

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