Polynucleotides Profhilo

Navigating Skin Rejuvenation: Polynucleotides vs. Profhilo


In the realm of aesthetic medicine, the pursuit of natural, glowing skin leads many to consider injectable treatments that enhance skin quality. Among these, polynucleotides and Profhilo stand out, each offering unique benefits for skin rejuvenation. While both treatments aim to improve skin texture and appearance, understanding their differences is key to selecting the right option for your skin goals.

Understanding Polynucleotides

Polynucleotides are complex chains derived from nucleotides, the essential building blocks of DNA and RNA. This innovative treatment harnesses their regenerative power to stimulate collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid production, pivotal for maintaining youthful skin. Beyond their anti-ageing effects, polynucleotides offer anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits, making them versatile in treating skin conditions such as eczema.

The Profhilo Approach

Profhilo, distinguished by its unique composition of high and low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, excels in hydrating the skin profoundly. This dual-action formula not only plumps the skin to smooth out wrinkles but also kickstarts the natural production of collagen and elastin. The result? A subtly volumised effect and a significant boost in skin hydration and firmness.

Polynucleotides vs. Profhilo: A Comparative Overview

While both treatments aim to elevate skin quality, their differences lie in composition, benefits, and mechanisms of action:

  • Composition: Polynucleotides utilise nucleotide chains, whereas Profhilo is based on a hybrid hyaluronic acid molecule.
  • Key Benefits: Polynucleotides are renowned for their regenerative potential, while Profhilo is celebrated for its hydrating and subtly volumising effects.
  • Results: Polynucleotide treatments offer gradual improvement, with results becoming more apparent over time. Profhilo provides immediate hydration, with optimal results visible after a few weeks.
  • Longevity: The effects of polynucleotides can last up to a year, whereas Profhilo typically lasts up to 6 months.

Making the Right Choice

Selecting between polynucleotides and Profhilo depends on individual skin needs and aesthetic aspirations. For those seeking immediate hydration and a quick refresh, Profhilo may be the preferred choice. Conversely, individuals looking for a treatment with lasting regenerative effects might opt for polynucleotides.

Why Consultation Matters

Choosing the right skin rejuvenation treatment requires expert guidance. At Immaculate Touch, we offer both Profhilo and polynucleotide treatments, ensuring a bespoke approach to meet your skin’s unique needs. A thorough consultation will help determine the most suitable treatment to achieve your desired results.


Whether you lean towards the regenerative benefits of polynucleotides or the hydrating effect of Profhilo, both treatments offer paths to enhanced skin quality and a more youthful appearance. Immaculate Touch is committed to guiding you through your skin rejuvenation journey, providing tailored advice and treatment options.

Ready to Transform Your Skin?

Embrace the journey to radiant, youthful skin with Immaculate Touch. Schedule your consultation today to explore whether polynucleotides or Profhilo is the right choice for you.

Further Reading

To deepen your knowledge about Profhilo and its aftercare, as well as to explore more on aesthetic treatments, check out these resources from Immaculate Touch:

Profhilo Aftercare Tips: Get expert advice on how to care for your skin after receiving Profhilo treatment to ensure the best possible outcomes.

Is Profhilo Worth It?: Discover the benefits of Profhilo treatment and read about real experiences to decide if it’s the right choice for your skin goals.

How Long Does Profhilo Last?: Find out about the duration of Profhilo’s effects and what you can do to maintain your rejuvenated look for longer.

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