Benefits of semi-permanent makeup

The Benefits of Semi-Permanent Makeup For Certain Health Conditions

Although we’ve written previously about the possible contraindications of semi-permanent makeup, we haven’t yet written in detail about the benefits of semi-permanent makeup for certain conditions.

Quite often, treatments such as microblade eyebrows, semi-permanent lips or eyeliner are chosen by our clients for purely cosmetic or beauty reasons, but this is certainly not the only reason to go for this type of treatment. There is also a range of other conditions, including medical ones, that can provide benefits that are of a more practical nature.

Alopecia and Hair Loss

A couple of popular ones that we’ll expand on shortly are alopecia and hair loss following a course of chemotherapy. Both are good examples of why clients may choose to pay us a visit, not simply because they have an upcoming social event that they want to look their best for, but because their life has been turned upside down by a dramatic event.

Cosmetic Reasons

There are, of course, reasons that are broadly halfway in-between that aren’t necessarily medical in nature but neither are they purely cosmetic/beauty related. For example, very thin or sparse eyebrows can fit neatly into this middle-ground. If you’ve habitually overplucked them or they’re just thinning because of ageing, it can still cause distress and lead to a lack of self-confidence in your appearance.

Whatever the reason, semi-permanent makeup isn’t only for those seeking professional beauty treatments. So, let’s move onto the other reasons why you might be looking to visit us:

(**Disclaimer – It’s important to point out that I’m not a doctor/medical practitioner, so please ensure that you consult your GP/physician before making any decisions based on what you read in this post. Also be aware that any treatment, illness or medication that can cause your immune system to be compromised or hinder healing wouldn’t make you a suitable candidate for some types of semi-permanent makeup procedures.)

Specific Conditions That May Benefit From Semi-Permanent Makeup

1. Chemotherapy
As mentioned earlier, cancer patients that have had chemotherapy will often suffer from different levels of hair loss. This common side effect caused by chemo is due to the treatment targeting cells that are growing rapidly, such as those in a tumour. Unfortunately, your hair follicles are pretty active too, with their cells frequently dividing to make your hair grow. As a result, they are often adversely affected by chemotherapy. If rapid hair loss is something you’ve experienced because of this, you’ll already know how devastating it can be to your self-esteem. We’ve had many clients that have visited us for this very reason and rather than go into detail more about that here, why not have a quick read of this very special (and beautiful) testimonial from a previous visitor to our Kent clinic.

2. Vitamin Deficiency
Most people aren’t aware that a deficiency in some vitamins including vitamin A, B, C, D and E can affect hair growth. Not only that, your intake of iron, zinc and selenium can also be a factor. While you can take steps to correct this if you’re aware of it, semi-permanent makeup treatments can provide an effective bridge while you’re working with your GP or practitioner to get yourself back on an even keel.

3. Telogen Effluvium
Ever wondered why you constantly find your hairbrush full of hair despite your hair not getting thinner over time? The fascinating reason for this is that in a normal, healthy head of hair, about 85% of them will be actively growing at any one time (anagen hair) while the other 15% of them will be napping (telogen hair). The anagens typically grow for about 4 years before switching to rest mode for 4 months. They’re then replaced with new hair that pushes them out – That’s when they end up in the sink or your brush! The problem is that this efficient system can sometimes be turned upside down due to a sudden and dramatic shock to the system such as having surgery, giving birth, having an accident or even from something as simple as jetlag. Once again, depending on the reason, semi-permanent makeup treatments can often help while you’re recovering from the trauma and the temporary hair loss caused by it.

4. Alopecia
Rather than go into detail here, we’ve previously written in some detail about this distressing condition so if you’d like to find out more, visit our post regarding alopecia.

5. Overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism)
An overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) is typically the result of your thyroid gland producing too many thyroid hormones. As a result, your body may have a high level of hormones called triiodothyronine. Aside from other symptoms, you may experience, one of them can be patchy or thinning hair.

6. Camouflaging scars
We routinely get visits from clients who’d like help with making their scars less noticeable. We have a comprehensive page on our website dedicated to scar camouflage. Please click the link for more information

7. General disability
If you’re reading this, it’s perhaps not something you may have considered but there are a range of disabilities that can make it difficult to apply makeup and this is something where semi-permanent makeup can help to alleviate the difficulties some people can have with this. For example, conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis or Parkinson’s Disease can make the application of makeup very tricky. Even those suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease due to old age can struggle. Similarly, those who are blind/visually impaired or have had a stroke can benefit from semi-permanent makeup treatments if this is something they struggle with on a daily basis.

7. Various skin conditions (e.g. Eczma)
Sometimes we’re able to treat clients who suffer from certain skin conditions such as rashes, blisters, psoriasis, eczema etc. While you can still enjoy the benefits of semi-permanent makeup to help with these, it should be noted that we can’t always treat you as this will depend on the severity of your condition.

8. Trichotillomania (hair pulling disorder)
Also known as “trich” and more commonly affecting teenagers than adults, it’s the irresistible urge sufferers have to pull out their hair. It can be on their head but it can also be their eyelashes, eyebrows, underarm hair or anywhere else for that matter.

9. Vitiligo
The last in our list is Vitiligo; It’s where pale white patches form on the skin. The condition is caused by a lack of melanin, which is a skin pigment and although it’s not painful, it can sometimes be itchy. While it can affect any area of the skin, it can also develop around hair roots such as on the scalp. This is when some clients may decide to use semi-permanent makeup as a way to camouflage the affected area.


We hope you’ve found this post useful and if you do suffer from any of the above conditions, we may be able to help. Please remember to speak to your GP or practitioner first to let them know you’re interested in semi-permanent makeup treatment. Once that’s done and you’ve got the thumbs up from them, we’d love to hear from you! x

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