Morpheus8 now available at Immaculate Touch

Morpheus8-What are the benefits?

Morpheus8 is a revolutionary new treatment that’s now available at our private clinic in East Malling, Kent. But, what is it and why might you consider choosing it? In this post, we take a brief look at the technology used, the benefits it can bring and the reasons why we’ve decided to include it in our treatment range.

An overview of the technology used

New doesn’t always mean better but in this instance, it certainly does with Morpheus8. This treatment is similar to Microneedling but with the additional use of a type of radio frequency (RF) technology that’s used to produce a tiny amount of heat in each needle when it’s below the surface of the skin.

Our skin contains collagen which acts as a kind of scaffolding network that holds it together. As we age, this scaffolding begins to loosen and the connections become weaker. The Morpheus8 treatment protocol simply stimulates and reactivates the collagen, causing it to contract and become tighter. The main device we use consists of 24 tiny gold-plated needles that are coated in polymer, and it’s these that penetrate the skin’s surface a section at a time (also known as ‘fractional’).

Why we’ve decided to include Morpheus8 in our treatment range

We’re always hesitant when it comes to the introduction of brand new technology at our clinic; we prefer to take a step back and see how things unfold and that’s exactly what we’ve done with Morpheus8. Now, it seems clear that the technology is not only safe but also produces amazing results. After receiving glowing endorsements from many recipients of the treatment (including quite a few celebrities), Morpheus looks set to be one of the least invasive and most effective anti-ageing treatments available today.

Key benefits

Duration – Although there are numerous benefits to all our treatments, Morpeus8 stands out for several reasons. Perhaps one of the most striking is the time that it lasts. Although Microneedling is a good second choice, the effects are not nearly as long-lasting. While Morpheus8 may be more expensive, the duration of its effects more than make up for this.

Custom pins and penetration depths – Out of all the fractional treatments available, Morpheus8 provides the deepest penetration. The tiny needles can go down to the subdermal tissue at depths ranging from 0.5mm right up to 5mm.

Cutting edge RF technology – This incredible radio frequency technology produces amazing results due to the fact that it’s able to deploy the energy on multiple levels in a single cycle. Its able to target three levels of tissue at the same time meaning more uniform results and less injury to the skin compared to other type

Safety – Morpheus8 is safe on all skin types right up to and including skin type six and unlike some other resurfacing methods, there’s only a very minor risk of PIH (post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation).

Flexibility and versatility – You may be considering trying Morpheus8 for a variety of reasons. Many clients want to enjoy the cosmetic benefits of younger-looking, more radiant skin and this is where the revolutionary effects really come into their own. This incredible new technology can smooth out fine lines/wrinkles, tighten skin and reduce unwanted fat deposits around the neck and jawline. It can also help if you have acne scarring from your teenage years, stretch marks acquired during pregnancy or cellulite that’s developed over time.

Fast recovery time – Since Morpheus8 is only minimally invasive, most patients will typically experience minor redness or a slight rash (erythema) for a relatively short time. This can range from 24 to 72 hours.

A new you! – We saved what we think are some of the most important benefits until last – how YOU look and feel. We’re confident that once you’ve been for your first treatment and begin to see the long-lasting results, you’ll not only look but feel fantastic too.

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